My Eyes!!!!

So some towns in Australia are having problems with swooping birds (birds are protecting nests, but people get pecked in the head while just strolling around), so here’s some help in protecting yourself: printable eyes to tape to the back of your head!!!!

Also, there is a link going around to an animated gif of a molting cicada. If someone had said “hey, would you like to see a movie of how a cicada molts? It is pretty neat,” I may well have said yes. But because the links were on a forum of short thoughts, I did not get that vital context. I just ended up looking at a picture of a big ole bug that SUDDENLY BEGAN REARING UP OUT OF ITS OWNSELF. I was creeped entirely out the door by what should have been a friendly sharing of information. I don’t know how people with actual phobias can even cope, what with url shorteners and so forth.