True Tales of Crime

After the Sounders game (Go Sounders!) I was in the parking garage and saw a car that really slammed into the bumper of the car next to it while pulling out of a parking space. Since the car at fault did not stop to leave information, I wrote down their license number and left it and my name and number on the damaged car. I got a call today from the owner of that damaged car, confused about my note. Why? BECAUSE SOMEONE TORE THE NOTE, REMOVING THE INCRIMINATING LICENSE NUMBER!!!! Unluckily for criminals everywhere, I still had the number in my purse. Hah!

But next time I’m just going to call the State Patrol.

3 thoughts on “True Tales of Crime

  1. d

    Why in the world would someone remove the crucial data from your note? Do you think the offenders came back?

  2. Sarah Post author

    I figure the offenders came back, though my dad postulates a “Bad Samaritan.”

  3. d

    the “bad Samaritan” scenario is difficult for even my jaded spirit to bear. if you’re going to overcome your inertia to get involved in something like this, why intervene on the side of evil? the mind boggles.

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